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Visual Art Portfolio


Ladakh: Is Peaceful Coexistence Possible?

After studying for a year among some incredible cinematographers and filmmakers, I set out to create a documentary in the northern tip of India. I was inspired by the way the people there lived their lives with such peace and integrity despite vast cultural differences. This documentary project is an ode to them.

The Art of Jesse

This is a short commercial film that I directed, shot and edited, showcasing a day at the studio of renowned Aotearoa artist Jesse Kanji.

Shanti Lounge Showreel

I shot, edited & graded this video of an audio-visual journey called 'Sound of Sphere'; a master collaboration between visual artist Jonathan Hislop and musicians Manjit Singh, Jaita Singh
& Archana Ravi. 
This video features music by Manjit & Jaita Singh. 

Aunty's House Promo

This promotional video reel was shot and edited by me for a South Asian Artist Collective called Aunty's House run by artist & entrepreneur Amita Kala.

Video Editing

Hysterical Trailer

I had the pleasure to edit footage of the incredible performance of Aotearoa feminist theater show Hysterical.


In this showreel I've compiled the best shots from short films and documentaries I've worked on.

Post Production

Women of Kasar Devi 
In this documentary project I explore the lives of women from a small village called Kasar Devi, in India's Uttarakhand state.

The holy village, has been the place where many monks attained enlightenment. It captured the intrigue of the likes of Steve Jobs, The Beatles and even NASA scientists who studied the effects of extraordinary magnetic energy in the area.

Despite this, we uncovered a host of issues that the rural women there face ranging from domestic abuse, to extreme work loads. This documentary offers an in depth view into their lives and struggles and what they believe could be a solution to them.

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